Friday, January 23, 2009

Tiny Michelle

Michelle is the tiniest baby I have ever seen. At almost 24 months she weighs less than 8 pounds. But she is perfectly proportioned and maturing intellectually. She can laugh and tease with the best of toddlers. She lives with Kendon and Wendy Wheeler at New Life Children's Home in Guatemala.
At her tiny size, can you imagine what her perspective on the world must be? Obviously we are all giants, but she knows she is safe and loved and that makes everything okay.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Vantage Point

We watched a movie called "Vantage Point" with Dennis Quad. All three of us were totally caught up in the story. It tells the story of the President's assasination from different viewpoints. And keeps going back 23 minutes to show it over and over from someone else's perspective.

Too bad we don't have that option in life.