Monday, March 16, 2009

CWJC – Anger – Perspective by Mary

This emotion to me is a very powerful emotion from injury done deep within the soul. When you are injured, the first reaction is to be angry, followed by hurt. If left unattended, the anger may cause further damage.

Many years I played the role of being angry, growing up in a world of abuse, fights and fear. I learned to play my role well. But I longed for love, for someone to care for me and to be nourished like a child should be. I would often call on God, but I really didn’t know why because I didn’t know Him. I just did. Now I know He was always there. Being constantly provoked by those who were supposed to love and take care of me, I just didn’t understand why some one would not help me.

Being young and unaware of many things, I went through life this way. This is what you’ve been taught. The woman who had me and the man she lived with hurt me every day. They were very angry people to begin with.

But something inside of me kept calling to this God that I just didn’t know. But I had always heard that He loved everybody and I wanted Him to love me. Aware that this was indeed wrong, justice became a very important word in my vocabulary. Unable to forgive, I was growing up like my abusers. Anger was killing me like a cancer eating one from the inside out. This strong emotion of displeasure became a way of life for me.

When you’ve been provoked to so many emotions, you feel misunderstood. And the need to be understood, to explain yourself, causes you to over react and at times to lose control. It’s hard not understanding that people just can’t see the whole picture. How could they? And again this causes you to be misunderstood and once again angered. You begin to understand and accept that this is just the way it is for me.

But still this God kept surfacing within me. I just didn’t understand or know why.

Then one day after many invitations and many no’s. I finally said “yes” only if they promised never to ask me again. Little did I know that that evening I was going to meet that God that kept popping up. He filled me that night with fire and I felt that I could fly. Something was lifted off and I felt so light. I could not stop crying. The more I tried, the harder I cried. My Catholic friend kept telling me, “You’ve received.” But I had no idea what she was talking about.

I remember the next day, the birds were singing like many times before, only this time I could hear them. The world looked different. But, how could it? It was the same world I had always known.

I walked up to my mother and I told her I love you and everybody. She looked at me as if I had lost my mind. But I’d never been more sane. I told her I met Jesus and He lives in my heart forever and He could live in her heart. She began to cry and she held me for the first time in my life that I can remember.

And, so you see, anger, it’s just a word that you don’t have to live with. And it’s something that can change. Jesus can give love, peace and joy all the days of my life, and yours. Because He lives and there’s no one like Him. He’s my Lord, Savior, and the King of Kings. Sometimes I remember how He was always there, I just did not know. And He teaches and guides you every step of the way.
March 13, 2009

CWJC - Persistence - Perspective by Alicia

My day has come when all I have is my will from today till tomorrow. The tension between my “today” and my “tomorrow” sometimes frightens me because I contemplate too many tomorrows.

I can always imagine the worst about my finances and illnesses that tomorrow might bring. All of my energies have become divided between the process of living for now and the fear of my tomorrows. I feel as thought I have forgotten that I have a Heavenly Father to whom I can cast all of my tomorrows. In II Corinthians 12:9, He has promised me His grace. “My Grace is sufficient for you.” So what I need to do is to be persistent and seek Him first. Call out to Him. Cry out to Him in prayer.

So, yes, as of today, I will cast my todays and tomorrows to Him that will make it right. I will be of great persistence and will not give up hope even when others with less hope have given up on me. I will make the best out of any existence and learn to live a more abundant life that God has promised me. For He loves me so much that He was willing to give His Son, Jesus Christ, in order that I might be able to make the best out of my life. From now on, I will not question what life is all about. Instead I will work on how I can make my life worthwhile. This way I can find some of the happiness that others seem to be having, while serving the One and only One, God, the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

I sometimes feel like the man in John 5:6 where Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” The man’s answer was not a clear yes, but instead a complaint. “I have no one to put me in the pool,” he answered. I, too, feel that when Jesus asked me if I will just cast my todays and tomorrows on Him, I forget to recognize the divine Power in Jesus words.

Maybe it is not what I have done, but instead of who I am. Perhaps it’s now even my withered limbs, so much as my withered spirit. Now Jesus has said that His Father is still working and that He, too, is still working in verse 16. Both are still working with the withered spirit of the ungrateful and the unknowing. And, yes, I feel like God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit is still working with my body which is easy to be cured, and, my spirit which is more difficult to cure.

So, I think that I know that I do need to get right with my Father and seek Him with persistence so that I can receive His promises that are written in His Book, the Holy Bible.
I once heard someone say that God gave us gifts, and that we are to give back, too.

Have no fear for the gifts you give
But the gifts you dare withhold
In a world that needs your helping hand
Your heart, your life, and your gold.

March 13, 2009

CWJC - Loyalty - Perspective from Amber

What is loyalty really? When I think of loyalty, I think of a dog and his master. The dog hearing his master say “Come here, Dog.” and it comes to him. Not because the dog fears his master, but for the reason that the dog loves him and wants to please him.

For how are we like the dog and his master? Let’s see. We want as well to be a loyal servant to our own master. But we show it in many different ways. But all in all we are loyal for how we treat others when no one is around, showing that we are Christians. That is how I feel that I can be loyal towards my Savior and family and friends.

March 13, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

CWJC - Thankfulness - Persective from Alicia

Thankfulness for Following my New Destiny – Wherever it Leads Me

There comes a time in my life when I realize that if I stand still, I will remain at this point forever. I realize that if I fall and stay down, life will pass by me. Life’s circumstances are not always what I might wish them to be.
The pattern of my life does not necessarily go as I plan it. Beyond any understanding I may at times be led in different directions that I never imagined, dreamed or designed. Yet, if I had never put any effort into choosing a path, or tried to carry out my dream, than perhaps I would have no direction at all.

Rather than wondering about or questioning the direction my life has taken, I choose to accept the fact that there is a path before me now. Shake off the "why’s" and "what if’s." “Was” is in the past. “Whatever is” is what is important. The past is a brief reflection. The future is yet to be realized. Today is here. I will walk my path one step at a time – with courage, faith and determination. I will keep my head up, and cast all my dreams up to my Lord.

And soon my steps will become firm. A path that I never imagined will be the most comfortable direction I could have ever hoped to follow. I’ll keep my belief in God and walk into my new journey. I will find it magnificent, spectacular, and beyond my wildest imaginings.
And for that I am full of Gratefulness to my Lord and Father God.

March 6, 2009